GTC Resource Library
A collection of carefully curated materials where you can find valuable information on a variety of topics related to "Living safely in a post-Covid19 world, climate justice, power for change in the environmental and sustainability movement and references to Green Theology.Â
Rev. Dr. Kenneth Davis Scholarship Fund
This scholarship upholds one of Green The Church’s Three Pillars—Building Power for Change.
 Rev. Dr. Kenneth Davis and Green The Church seek to build the next generation of change agents, who will continue the fight for environmental justice. Through this initiative our goal is to award a scholarship every year to a deserving student “who desires to leave this place [the earth] better than how they found it”. To learn more about the scholarship fund click here.

Earn a Culturally Responsive Urban Ministry DMin
Berkeley School of Theology is offering a flexible distance learning program focused on seven thematic categories addressing some of the most significant social and cultural shifts experienced by congregations and other faith-based organizations. Through this program Doctor of Ministry students will have access to the rich academic resources of the Graduate Theological Union and UC Berkeley.
For more information on this program and to learn how Green The Church is partnering with BST, click here.

Environmental Resources
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