Green The Church Florida
About US
Green The Church Florida is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit initiative dedicated to sustainability and environmental justice, rooted in and serving the Black Church. Our mission is to inspire and equip congregations across Florida to embrace sustainable practices, address pressing environmental challenges, and empower communities to act. We partner with churches to tackle the life-saving work of building resilience against disasters and combating the effects of environmental racism, ensuring a just and sustainable future for all.

Ā Our Steering Committe
For inquiries on joining the steering committee, email [email protected]

Pastor Benjamin Carroll
Florida Field Coordinator
Pastor Greater Antioch Baptist Church
Retired Army Chaplain (MAJ)
Proprietor Living Greater Counseling Center LLC
BA Florida Memorial University
MDiv., Morehouse School of Religion

Kenya C. Madison, Senior Director of Healthier Delray Beach, a Palm Health Foundation initiative, has spent much of her life and career dedicated to service. A life-long, multi-generational resident of Delray Beach, FL. Kenya has focused keenly on erasing the stigma of mental illness. Providing support to children, youth, and families, Kenya is a pioneer, creating new channels for people to get the help they need in community-based settingsā€”our schools and the faith community. In her current role, she has been a leader in integrating the topic of mental health supports in the faith community, and a strong advocate for equitable standards of care for the community. Under Kenyaā€™s leadership, the Healthier Delray Beach network has expanded to include county-wide, state-wide, and multi-state partnerships.
We are building power for change.
Our Green The Church movement needs you. Join us in protecting God's creation, promoting sustainable practices, and increasing the wellbeing of our communities.
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